GIVE BIG KICKOFF 2018 (copy 01)


There's still time to Give Big!

Thank you to everyone who has so generously supported Future West and all of the nonprofits during Give Big 2018 so far.

There are only 6 hours left, and if you haven't yet, please take a moment to give to
Future West. We are in the final hours, and as we bring Give Big to a close, I want to say how grateful we are for your generosity.  Days like today reiterate why we do the work that we do. 

Projects like 
Gallatin AheadSuccessful Communities, and our Capacity-Building Activities allow us to give back to the community in ways that underscore our mission, that is, to help communities (like Gallatin Valley!) identify, choose, and achieve their desired future.

Future West works to realize a future where communities have a shared sense of place, robust economies, and sound stewardship of natural, cultural, and community assets. Thank you for everything you've done to Give Big to our work today!

Hannah and the Future West Team

Give Big to Future West!
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