Spring 2017 Newsletter (copy 01)


...To Give BIG!

Give Big Gallatin Valley 2017 is one week away! On May 4th-5th from 6pm to 6pm, we are asking you to join us in our efforts to make this day a success by taking five minutes to give to Future West.
Your donation will benefit Future West’s Gallatin Ahead project, which engages the citizens of the Gallatin Valley to help them identify and achieve the future they desire. By the time the children born at the hospital today graduate from MSU, the Gallatin Valley’s population will likely double to 200,000 people.  How we grow will make all the difference - if we are to maintain the quality of life we enjoy today, we will need to learn from the lessons of other places and work together to plan for a better future.  That’s the mission of Gallatin Ahead. Your gift will help make that happen. For more information, visit our website or see below for project updates on Gallatin Ahead!
Please join our campaign and thank you in advance for your generosity! If you have any questions or would like more information, let us know. Contact Hannah Jaicks: hannah@future-west.org or call (406) 587- 2974. 

Gallatin Ahead

We live in an all-around great place, and it’s no surprise that the very things that make it so wonderful are attracting people from all over the country, making the Gallatin Valley one of the fastest-growing places in the country. By the time the children born at the hospital today graduate from MSU, the Gallatin Valley’s population will likely double to 200,000 people.  How we grow will make all the difference – it will determine how much open space we preserve, our water and air quality, the cost of public infrastructure and services we pay through our taxes. Future West’s Gallatin Ahead project engages the citizens of the Gallatin Valley to identify and achieve the future that they desire. By providing citizens with good information, fostering cooperation between the Gallatin Valley’s local governments in planning for the future, and advocating for sensible growth policies, Future West is helping keep this place special.

Montana Headwaters Abandoned Mine Reclamation Project

Coordinated by Future West, the Montana Headwaters Abandoned Mine Reclamation Project is a coalition of public and private partners implementing a landscape scale abandoned mine reclamation initiative that restores degraded landscapes, improves water quality, addresses health and safety issues, and creates a restoration economy for rural communities.  A grant application to the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to conduct the North Willow Creek Reclamation Project was approved, and the project should be underway this summer. Public funds will allow mine wastes to be cleaned up at a fraction of the cost of in situ capping or repository placement, saving hard-earned taxpayer dollars. Activities to be completed include mine waste excavation, screening and crushing, hauling, reprocessing for gold, reclaiming all removal areas with native vegetation, and monitoring to determine success. The project is a mix of BLM and USDA Forest Service lands directly west of Pony, Montana.

Welcome Hannah Jaicks!

Future West welcomes Hannah Jaicks on board as its new Program Manager.  Hannah Jaicks is an interdisciplinary scientist who specializes in using psychology to develop stronger avenues of communication and inclusion amongst the public, decision makers and scientists around issues of conservation and sustainable development.  Her research has taken her throughout the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem for the past five years, assisting efforts to ensure that the working landscapes of the region continue to produce successful farming and ranching as well as healthy and abundant wildlife populations. Hannah received her Ph.D. in Environmental Psychology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, her B.A. in Biology and Psychology from Swarthmore College.

And finally, Future West is on Instagram. Find us: @future_west for updates, photos of our program work, and more!


Dennis Glick, Director of Future West

Future West Donation Page
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