Sustaining the New West Presentations Are Now Online!


Can we sustain what we love about the West, even as we grow and change?

Future West brought together speakers and attendees from across the region to answer this question at our recent Sustaining the New West: Bold Visions – Inspiring Actions conference.

Everyone who spoke and attended bolstered our conviction that people care deeply about the future of this region.  And that they are ready, willing and able to take the steps necessary to ensure that as we grow and change, we do so in a thoughtful way that creates sustainable communities, maintains healthy working landscapes, and conserves the ecological integrity of our public lands.

If you would like to access the Speakers' presentations from the conference, click
here. And if you’d like to read an overview of speaker comments, this piece from Mountain Journal's Jordan Payne is an excellent recounting of all of the entire session.

Future West is committed to helping people identify and create the future that they want. We do this by providing needed information, training, technical assistance and facilitation services to key decision makers to help them make wise decisions on a host of conservation and development issues. This conference was an example of that work.  And it would not be possible without the support of people like you.  

Thank you for all that you do to sustain our communities, our rural working landscapes, and our wild places.

Director, Future West


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